Michael's feast in autumn weather

Posted by on Oct 6, 2021 in Titurel Leeft
Michaëlsfeest in herfstig weer

This year we couldn't take a walk in the woods with the Michaelsfeest . The weather was threatening , om 11 hour there was even a very heavy shower.

That's why we gathered in the chapel.

We have sung and talked about slaying the dragon in our own lives. Bas told about the dragon he had to slay this morning. He had a really big one, delicious pan of pumpkin soup . The last pumpkin went into the pan ….and it turned out to be poisonous !!!!

But the emphasis this year was on the concept of “gratitude”.

We made a long flag with everything we are thankful for . Meanwhile, the apple lady handed out delicious warm applesauce that was made by the residents in the morning .

The Michaels feast once started as a thanksgiving party for the harvest . How important was a good harvest in the past ? In a time without shops and supermarkets? How did people live and how did they get through the winter?

Finally, Monica baked delicious apple turnovers with the residents of Lohengrin. And lunch was also quite good 👍