And, sports! move fancy; tekst door Koen

Posted by on Apr 6, 2016 in News Titurel, Titurel Leeft
Ja, sporten! Zin in bewegen; tekst door Koen

During Titurel organized by parents' last September, we exchanged together with parents and relatives of views on a number of topics. "Sport and exercise" and "Healthy Eating" two subjects were at this meeting - we discussed what we think is important, what points are.
In consultation with the clients of Foundation Titurel were launched two project, een projectgroep “Sport en beweging” en een projectgroep “Gezonde voeding”. Beide thema’s staan hoog op de agenda binnen onze organisatie en de projectgroepen zijn enthousiast van start gegaan. Below is a report of the first meeting of the project "Sport and movement ', wat we zoal samen vaststelden en waar we mee aan de slag gaan. Verslagen van activiteiten leest u terug onder “Titurel leeft”!

Actually we can sport and exercise on Titurel divided into three areas:

  • 'Leisure' in and around Titurel
  • Movement during werkactiviteit,fy
  • external sports


  1. movement

How and what we undertake already in motion within Titurel ?
When we all talking so naming our movement activities, we all secretly do a lot ... "secretly" because it is not incorporated in a plan; activities are often a bit hidden in our daily activities and operations.

As some residents ride in the morning from the residential area in Hoogerheide for Putte and afternoon back home; while they lay daily total a trail of 8 kilometers of. Perhaps, those who by scooter, motorbike or car get their vehicle more often leave and opt for a bike ride (or motor-assisted bicycle)? Residents who daily to their work(day care) walking or cycling, always take a ride through the forest. Also who is working outside Titurel, For example, in Jagersrust, VOF de Weert, demand&Intratuin offer or take the bicycle to get to destination.

Work areas
What about our own active areas, such as in the forestry: we saw, klieven, mow, prune, carry, pile up, road, rakes ... there definitely will sweat to pass! Also during the care of the animals, we are doing good: walking with horses,mucking out the stables, supplementing the silage, lugging Flax, walking the dogs ... .

Eurythmy is a modern art movement, developed and inspired by the anthroposophic philosophy. In this art form, the character of a piece of music or spoken word made visible by movements. It is the total being - body, heart and soul - the instrument of the artist,of euritmist. During eurythmy is every Monday either in (an alternating) group either individually moved by music.

Swimming, knob ... a (a lot) other 'out' activities
Every week, some residents of Titurel swimming on Tuesday, Residents can sign up for this. In the spring we go together three buns. These are very active days in which we work, saw, lugging outdoors. Het uitgangspunt van deze activiteit is dat alle bewoners mee gaan.

Once a year we take part in the NAC (Rabobank) G-football tournament in Breda and one until we go swimming in Goes twice a year. We go every year on Ascension dew stairs: at dawn, we take a long walk.
During the break times different people play table tennis. And once it is out of good weather, they go to the badminton court again and playing football on the lawn. Older households Anita regularly for a walk in the woods where some residents like to join. Also in the evenings and at weekends there is an opportunity to go hiking or cycling.

How can we exercise and exercise "structure" more?
How do we ensure that we involve everyone in sport and exercise? In what advice would give a coach we decide to start "small and simple". Let's look for a false start and make sure we get to the finish together on!

start small, how we do it?
We think to do gym together, walk, bicycles, stretching exercises during the opening. From now on we start every morning with a little exercise, equally tasty casting off the muscles. Our project will investigate whether there outside the door opportunities where we can connect (also see : We also decided to ask the ranger or the trail "which is already known in the forest" may be marked. And whether we perhaps this may provide various motion commands, so we make the route attractive, een leuke combi van “fun en uitdaging”.

Koen van der Steen to the project "sport and movement" leads in Titurel, Together with Jeroen Jonkers of Spado a fun and sporty initiative developed: Jeroen approaches Titurel 5 Athletics care clinics, which is a party! Op vier april a.s. We kick off this sporting event with a clinic shot put.
Because you never 'just' should start exercising, each training session is started with the same run-in and during training in order to warm up the muscles.

Tot slot
We discuss a number of other options for sports & motion to give more shape and with each other arrangements are the actions needed for this. Curious about our activities? Please regularly have a look at "live Titurel", there read our experiences and you can enjoy with photo.


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