BWI en Titurel slaan de handen in elkaar: opening ‘huiskamer’ in Hoogerheide
Gelezen in BN De Stem, weekendeditie 11-12 april; BWI en Titurel openen huiskamer Een greep uit de reacties die Jopie Sanders, teamleider bij Titurel, optekende: “Wat ontzettend leuk om met de bewoners van Titurel in contact te komen op deze manier.” “Het is hier een echte huiskamer, zo gezellig.” “We komen zeker terug!” “Het doet […]
Nico celebrates 25 anniversary at WVS, written by Sonja
On Thursday 19 maart vierde Nico zijn 25 year (!) anniversary at WVS, it was a great party! I was very happy to be allowed to accompany Nico, ook Toon en GertJan waren van de partij want Nico had hen hiervoor uitgenodigd. All three looked pico bello out, so they should be for such a special occasion. Het […]
Culture Class captivated by Van Gogh, written by Janny, photos by Sil
The culture class we assist various topics silent, we provide some variation by working out a theme in several ways. This time our theme of the painter Vincent van Gogh. We have redrawn a number of his paintings and works colored. In de klas liggen mooie kunstboeken over het […]
Titurel participates interesting care information market in Roosendaal
Wednesday 4 March organized the Chameleon and The Mytylschool an information in Roosendaal. De beide scholen wilden “een zo breed mogelijk aanbod presenteren op het gebied van wonen, to work, vrijetijdsbesteding en begeleiding gericht op kinderen en jong volwassenen met een verstandelijke en of lichamelijke beperking.” In een gezellige en ongedwongen sfeer konden ouders, verzorgers maar […]
Titurel presents itself on knowledge market Bergen op Zoom
25-03-2015 The municipality of Bergen op Zoom invited Wednesday all its contracted HMOs for an informal knowledge market. In preparation for a care contract with the municipalities of the Brabant Wall, could also participate Titurel.
Just an ordinary Sunday ... a lovely time ENJOY; written by Jessie.
When Titurel you can not live alone, work together and contribute care, we kunnen bovenal ook samen genieten van onze mooie omgeving en het mooie weer, such as during the past weekend!
We are looking for a teaching assistant (oproepkracht).
We have a vacancy for a teaching assistant, on the basis of a contract 0-hour, join our team.
Nice outside busy: willow pollarding
Every year, we go in January, under the guidance of volunteers from the State Forest, willow pollarding. Our activities Wednesday 28 January, captured on film; Mijke also made a nice movie report.
The nativity performance: Titurel a tradition.
Already in the autumn, the residents, counselors and volunteers started the first preparations for the Christmas. Which songs we will sing? Who plays the role of Mary, Jozef, shepherd, worth, angel…? The garments are made and appropriate. Drawings are made, practiced songs, learned texts.
A Christmas star on Titurel; Ask Mijke
It was a beautiful day in December, the sun was shining outside and inside it was warm. The castle stood there like at Christmas. We started early to prepare for the Christmas and get the house for Christmas. Thus we have swept the sidewalk, Robert-has swept the grass leaves. Then […]